Xena Knowledge Base

XML Report Specification


This page describes the format of the XML reports generated by the Xena2544, Xena1564, Xena3918 and Xena2889 test applications.

Each XML report contains both a test results section and a test configuration section. The results section will contain the actual results, whereas the configuration section contains the full configuration used to perform the test.

The XML report does not contain any XML schema definitions, so users of the XML report will need to refer to this wiki page.

XML Header and Top Tag

The XML report file starts with a standard header as follows:

The top tag for the report is .

Test Results

The results section is enclosed in the tag . The section contains the following sub-sections:

Section tag Explanation
Contains summary data for the whole test suite.
Contains results for the Throughput tests.
Contains results for the Loss tests.
Contains results for the Latency and Jitter tests.
Contains results for the Back-to-Back test..


This section contains summary data for the test suite. The following sub-tags are defined:

The tag itself does not carry a value. It contains the following attributes:

TestCompany Name of the company performing the test
Customer Name of the customer
CustomerAccessID Customer Access ID as specified for the test
CustomerServiceID Customer Service ID as specified for the test

The tag itself does not carry a value. It contains the following attributes:

TestDateTime Timestamp for the test on the form “YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS”. The local time for the PC generating the report is used.
TestDuration Integer, total duration of the test in seconds.
NoPorts Integer, number of ports used in the test
NoRuns Integer, number of runs used in the test

This tag contains a single CDATA value which is the comment specified for the test. It has no attributes.

Test-Type-Specific Sections

The report will contain a section for each of the four test-types named , , and .

Each test type section will contain a number of results. Each result will be enclosed in a tag. Totals for the result will be reported as attributes for the results tag whereas port-specific results will be reported in a sub-tag.

Result Attributes

The tag may contain the following attributes. Some attributes are only valid for certain test-types, which is indicated with the legend:

  • THR: Throughput
  • LOS: Loss,
  • LAT: Latency/Jitter
  • B2B: Back-to-back
  • All: All of the above
Attribute Name Type Explanation Valid for test-type(s)
FrameSize Number The frame size used for this test. ALL
TotalRate Number The total rate in packets/second THR
PassedRatePcnt Number The passing rate in percent of max. possible rate. THR
TotalTxPackets Number The total number of packets transmitted. ALL
TotalRxPackets Number The total number of packets received. ALL
Accepted Yes/No Was the result accepted or not? ALL
MaxRatePcnt Number The max. rate used in percent of the max. possible speed. LOS, B2B
MaxRatePps Number The max. rate used in packets per second. LOS, B2B
MaxRateMbps Number The max. rate used in Mbps. LOS, B2B

Port Attributes

attributes (some attributes are only valid for certain test types):

Attribute Name Type Explanation Valid for test-type(s)
Name String The full name of the port on the form “P—” ALL
Rate Number Used rate in packets/second. THR
RatePcnt Number Used rate in percent of maximum rate THR
RateMbps Number Used rate in Mbps THR
LossPcnt Number Packet loss in percent of total packets transmitted. LOS
LatencyAvg Number Average latency in microseconds LAT
LatencyMin Number Minimum latency in microseconds LAT
LatencyMax Number Maximum latency in microseconds LAT
JitterAvg Number Average jitter in microseconds LAT
JitterMin Number Minimum jitter in microseconds LAT
JitterMax Number Maximum jitter in microseconds LAT
BurstSize Number Burst size in bytes B2B

Latency and Jitter Rates

The Latency and Jitter tests are performed at various rates. The results are also reported for each rate used. The Latency and Jitter section thus contains another section called which encapsulates the Results sections. This tag contains a single attribute called “Value” which provides the rate used as a number.

Test Configuration

The configuration section is enclosed in the tag . The format follows the same structure as is used for the configuration files. The configuration files are however saved in a JSON format, but the same tag values are used for the XML report. Refer to this page for details about the JSON configuration file syntax.

Sample Scripts

The Xenas2544 application is distributed with a few sample Python scripts which explains how to launch the Xena2544 application and execute a configuration from the command line, and also parse the resulting XML report using the built-in xml.dom.minidom Python package. Any other standard-compliant XML parsing package may, of course, be used.


The following sample snippet show how the format is used:

 version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<identification< span=""> TestCompany="Xena Networks ApS" Customer="Xena Networks" /></identification<>
<metrics< span=""> TestDateTime="20120627-091018" TestDuration="123" /></metrics<>
<result< span=""> FrameSize="64" TotalRate="1488095" PassedRatePcnt="100,00"></result<>
<port< span=""> Name="P-0-10-1" Rate="1488095" RatePcnt="100" RateMbps="1000" /></port<>
<result< span=""> FrameSize="128" TotalRate="844594" PassedRatePcnt="100,00"></result<>
<port< span=""> Name="P-0-10-1" Rate="844594" RatePcnt="100" RateMbps="1000" /></port<>

