Vantage Knowledge Base

Test Configurations

Test Case

VantageManager has defined 5 basic test cases for the user. Users could modify the configuration based on these 5 templates:


Aggregation test case designed for PON. As a PON, there will be an aggregated interface and multiple LAN ports. All LAN ports will upstream to the aggregated port and downstream from the aggregated port to each LAN port.

The streams and port map:


Eachother test case which designed for the Switch, router and ECI and so on. This test is used to test the whole LAN ports performance. This test case will make the DUT ports into multiple pairs of test ports, like 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and so on. And send streams to each other. So it would ask the customer to add the even number of ports to the port map.

The streams and ports map


Loopback test case designed for the Switch, router and ECI and so on. This test is used to test the whole LAN port’s performance. It will send the stream from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on. This test doesn’t have a port number limitation. Odd numbers could be added to the port map too.

The streams and ports map


A router test case designed for the Router. VantageManager predefines as WAN port, others will be assigned as LAN ports. Vantage will send one stream from each LAN port to WAN port and send one stream from WAN port to each LAN port.

The streams and ports map

Test Suite Combination

The test suite combination is a task list. The user could add multiple test cases into it, then Vantage will run those test cases one by one. And of course, you should configure the same port number for each test case, or it will fail. The max number of the test case is 10 (from 0 to 9).


The global configuration of the test template, once you change the value of the configuration, the value of the test template will be reset.

  • Number of ports:

The ports in which the DUT needs to be tested. It will affect the streams and ports map. Enter the desired number of ports.

  • LAN subnet (/24) :

In the LAN ports subnet, you could set the subnet for the tester LAN ports. It will affect all LAN ports. Enter the IP address for the desired subnet, e.g. is assumed)

  • VLAN

The VLAN tag which will affect the whole stream. If not empty or 0, enables insertion of VLAN tag in the LAN stream packets.

Overall Test Configuration

The overall test configuration is the main test configuration for each test template. It’s the test process logic when the test running. Double click the value to switch to an input box instead of the slider; This will make it easier to set a fixed value.

 Item  Description
 Automatically clone  If set to a non-zero value, the system will wait this long for the link to disconnect

and then automatically reset the DUT field and start a new test after this delay.
Use the slider to select a value and press ‘Set’ to save the new value

 Lost packets threshold  If the packet loss exceeds this value, the test will be marked as failed.
Use the slider to select a value and press ‘Set’ to save the new value
 Autolearn time and

MAC detection

 The max time of the MAC learning. Tester will send some low speed rate streams

to help the DUT to learn the MAC address.

 Test execution time  Duration time of measurements.
Use the slider to select a value and press ‘Set’ to save the new value
 Port  The role of this test template.
 Port IP address  You can define the IP address, mask, gateway for the tester port. And the port could reply to the ARP and ping packet.
 Port speed  If the physical interface supports setting the port speed, it may be set here.
If set to default the value depends on the module/port type.
Select an option and press ‘Set’ to save the new value
 BroadR-Reach  If the physical interface supports setting the BroadR-Reach mode, it may be set here. If set to default the value depends on the module/port type.

Select an option and press ‘Set’ to save the new value

Stream Configuration

Stream configuration of the test template. The user can define the value of each stream in this UI page. The stream number of each port is based on the test case types. The stream ID will display on the left top of the configuration box, the port ID will display on the right top. “SID” is the label that Xena will add into the payload, it’s the ID that Xena recognizes that the packet is generated by Xena.

 Item  Description
 Mac address  Sets the source and destination MAC address inserted in the header of test

Enter mac address using 6 hex bytes, e.g. 03456723168E

 Port IP address  Select the IP protocol as well as source and destination IP.
Enter IP address using notation.
 Protocol  IP Define the stream packet into IP packet.
 TCP Define the stream packet into IP packet.
 UDP Define the stream packet into UDP packet.
 – Define the stream packet into Ethernet packet.
 Ports  Enter the source and destination port number. Requires protocol to be TCP or


 VLAN:  Enables and sets the VLAN tag for insertion of VLAN headers in the stream


 Packet lengths * Enter desired length of stream packets (Support jumbo frame)
 Rate Set the maximum rate fraction for this stream on the port. If the sum of fractions for streams on a port is above 100%, the actual traffic rate will be lower.

Press ‘Set’ to save the new value

 Distr Set the type of the packet length. Random, BTFLY(Butterfly), INCR(Incrementing), MIX, Fixed.
 Payload type Set the type of byte pattern used for payload data in test packets.
Select an option and press ‘Set’ to save the new value

* It will depend on the module:

1/10G: 60 to 16000 bytes        Others: 60 to 9200 bytes

Other Configuration Settings

  • Description The Description of the test case, it should describe the topology of the test case. You could learn the information from this box. Of course, you could change and modify the content, click the button to save the value.
  • Config ID The test template ID of each template, each template will only have one config ID.
  • Create by See the creation user and the creation date in this element.
  • Update by    See the user and date of configuration updates in this element.
  • View View the raw test configuration. You could view the test case scripting as a json file.
  • Download Download the test case from this chassis to the user’s computer. Modify it with TEXT and upload it to another chassis.
  • Upload  Modify the configuration file with TEXT and upload it to the chassis from the user’s computer.
  • Delete Delete the test configuration

Display Element Settings

Change the display element settings to change the display types of the ports and streams configuration. Click the        button to open the “Display element settings” window. Enable “Show port config in tabbed view” to display the stream configuration of the item in a tabbed view.

Telnet Feature

Telnet simplifies the testing process and implements more advanced test scenarios.

In the past, if your PON device needs to test traffic in both GPON mode and EPON mode, you needed to test it in GPON mode first, then change it into EPON mode manually.

But now, with the Vantage Telnet feature, Vantage can telnet to the DUT and change it into EPON mode and then test the traffic automatically. It will save you time and make your work more efficient.

Alternatively, you could even telnet to the DUT to get the serial number instead of scanning the serial number manually.

VantageManager Telnet script commands

Script version 1.1, 2019-04-20

The script consists of a number of lines which will be executed in sequence.

Any empty line or line that starts with a semicolon “;” will be ignored

could be:

-A constant string enclosed in single ‘ or double “.

Special characters may be inserted, such as \n \t, etc. Example “show ver”

-A variable identifier of a variable previously assigned (see the set command below)

-Two separated by the + operator. Example “abcd” + “def”

-The result of a command/function as defined below. Example “The result is:” + recuntil ” >”

-A variable identifier of a variable previously assigned (see the set command below)

could be:

-A constant integer number. Example 1, 5.

-A variable identifier of a variable previously assigned (see the set command below)

-Two separated by the + operator. Example 3+7

-booelan expression with the operators “not”, “and”, “or”. Examples with result in []: not 2 [0], 3 and 4 [1]

-parenthesis may be used. Example: (3 and 0) or 11 [1]

-the result of comparing two ints or strings with the == or != operator. Examples “aa”==recuntil ” >”, 2!=5

-The result of a command/function as defined below. Example match “def”, “abcdef” [1]



Send a string to the DUT via telnet

Returns the same string as sent.


Send a string followed by CRLF to the DUT via telnet

Returns the same string as sent.


Receive data from the DUT until it contains the string specified

Return the received data up to but not including the string.


Receive data from the DUT until next CRLF

Return the received data up to but not including the CRLF.


Wait the specified number of seconds

Returns 1


Will abort script execution (and also test execution) with an error message if is not 0.

Returns 0 if the script is not aborted. Does not return if it is aborted.


Prints the specified expression to the test log on the UI (which is also included in the test report)

Returns the same string.

match ,

Matches two expessions. Returns 1 if is contained in and 0 otherwise.

may be a regular expression with usual wildcards, regex syntax etc.

set =

Assign the value to the variable specified which may be used in other expressions.

Returns the value of the expression.

Examples of scripts:

; script that will login to DUT

log “Login to DUT…”

log recuntil “login: ”

sendln “admin”

recuntil “Password: ”

sendln “12345”

recuntil ” >”

log “Login successfull…”

; check if version of DUT is 5.2 as obtained by the system resource print command

sendln “system resource print”

log recuntil ” >”

log recuntil ” >”

set reply= recuntil ” >”

log reply

failif not match “version: 5.2”, reply

log “Version of DUT is correct …”