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Xena’s new White Paper, “How to Test Electrical Cables Running 112G SerDes Ethernet,” looks at optimizing signal integrity on electrical cables, and guidance on how to test electrical cables using a dedicated Auto-Negotiation& Link Training (AN/LT) tester.
As data centers work to boost bandwidth, key concerns are the density of connectors and cables, the power consumption, and the cost per bit. This new White Paper recommends utilizing higher speed connections over fewer lanes, using electrical cables wherever possible, and implementing equalization at both the transmitter and receiver.
It also covers the different electrical cable types typically used in data centers and explains how to test these cables using Ethernet Traffic Generators and Analyzers (TGAs) with advanced Layer 1 test features. This is highly relevant for cable manufacturers who need to do performance and validation testing to ensure signal integrity.
The White Paper concludes by presenting some common test use cases and highlighting the importance of manual tuning of equalizers in achieving optimal transmission performance.
If you’re interested in learning more about testing electrical cables running 112G SerDes Ethernet, this White Paper is a great resource to help you get started.