Xena Knowledge Base

Wireshark Plugin

Xena offers better Wireshark integration via a dedicated LUA plugin. This plug-in lets users easily read the information in the Xena test signature field. The plugin supports Wireshark 3.x and above.

Xena Wireshark Plugin 2.1 for TPLD

Why do you need it?
This plugin lets you view the fields of the “Xena test payload”, which is found at the end of packets generated by Xena test ports (the last 20 bytes before FCS). This is not needed for everyday usage of the Xena testers, but may help you in various complex scenarios.

It is unusual for Wireshark to have things stored at the end, and not the beginning, of each packet. So Wireshark will not necessarily show the Xena test payload automatically, since it may ‘collide’ with the forwards-decoding of the packet. You can force the Xena decoding to be used via the “Decode as…” menu.

Install Xena Wireshark Plugin 2.1

  1. Uninstall the existing Xena Wireshark Plugin 1.0 from Windows, if you have previously installed it.
  2. Go to Wireshark Main Window > Help > About Wireshark > Folders > Personal Lua Plugins, click the blue Location to open plugin folder.
  3. Delete the xenatpld-wplugin.lua, if present.
  4. Place xena_tpld.lua in the folder.
  5. Place xena_utpld.lua in the folder.
  6. Restart Wireshark.

Uninstall Xena Wireshark Plugin 2.1

  1. Go to Wireshark Main Window > Help > About Wireshark > Folders > Personal Lua Plugins, click the blue Location to open plugin folder.
  2. Delete the xena_tpld.lua.
  3. Delete the xena_utpld.lua

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