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Copyright © 2009-2025 Teledyne LeCroy Xena ApS, Denmark
The XenaCompact is a 1U fixed chassis solution for Xena traffic generator NICs.
Robust 1U single-slot test chassis with full feature set that is easy to transport
The XenaCompact test chassis is a lightweight 1U 19” unit that can hold any of Xena’s complete range of copper and optical Ethernet TGA modules in the Odin, Loki, Thor or Freya product groups, providing test ports from 10Mbps to 800Gbps.
It offers the same functionality, connectivity and user experience from the Xena product family, including reservation of ports per user.
Being only 1U, the XenaCompact can fit into any test environment, without compromising on performance, features, or functionality. The small form factor also makes the XenaCompact ideal if you need a portable solution that can easily be transported from site to site. An optional 19” flight case is also available from Xena for maximum protection when travelling.
The high-precision, stream-based, wire-speed traffic generation and analysis capabilities make it ideal for testing network devices under deliberate error, stress, and random conditions. Packet formats can be defined per individual packet byte, and packet spacing, transmission rates, and bursts can be defined with byte and kbps accuracy.
There are 2 versions of the XenaCompact chassis:
Extensive software included
Included with every XenaCompact is a complete software suite for generating and analyzing Ethernet traffic and testing RFC2544, RFC2889, RFC 3918, and Y.1564.
The XenaManager GUI makes ad-hoc test execution and remote management of test equipment located in multiple locations, simple for management of very large numbers of test streams.
The package also includes Xena OpenAutomation (XOA). XOA is an open-source test automation framework for use with Xena’s Xena & Vulcan Traffic Generation & Analysis (TGA) solutions and Chimera, our network impairment emulator. Fast, easy to use and extremely flexible, XOA features a Python API that runs on any OS.