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Copyright © 2009-2025 Teledyne LeCroy Xena ApS, Denmark
The Z10cc Odin offers two 10GE and four 1GE test ports. This flexible combination lets you cost-effectively test both speeds simultaneously.
Low-cost flexibility – test 10GE and 1GE simultaneously
The Z10cc Odin* is a wire-speed 2-port 10GE and 4-port 1GE test module. This makes it a flexible, and cost-efficient traffic generation and analysis tester suitable for a wide range of test scenarios
XenaManager – the easy-to-use GUI for handling both routine and advanced test schedules – is included free together with Xena OpenAutomation, Xena2544, Xena1564, Xena3918 and Xena2889.
(*Please note that Z10cc Odin is only available in the robust and easy-to-transport 1U XenaCompact chassis.)
10GE and 1GE Ethernet
2 x 10GE and 4 x 1GE
2 x 10GBASE-SR / LR / LRM / ER / Direct Attached Cable (DAC)* and
4 x 10/100/1000BASE-T** or 1000BASE-X (SFP-MSA) or 100BASE-FX** or 100BASE-BX ***
*The interface implements discrete PHY devices with built-in EDC support that employs sophisticated signal processing techniques to recover a 10 Gbps signal that has travelled over a dispersive Copper Direct attach cable and restore a bit-error rate of 10-12 or better.
** Requires Finisar SFP transceiver FCLF-8521-P2BTL with sgmii host interface
*** Requires Source Photonics SFP transceivers with sgmii host interface
2 x SFP+ and 4 x SFP
Link state, FCS errors, pause frames, ARP/PING, error injections, training packet
All traffic: RX and TX Mbit/s, packets/s, packets, bytes
Traffic w/o test payload: RX and TX Mbit/s, packets/s, packets, bytes
Configurable from 16 to 56 bytes, default is 20B (12B IFG + 8B preamble)
Ability to adjust the effective line rate by forcing idle gaps equivalent to -1000 ppm (increments of 10 ppm)
Supported (configurable IP and MAC address per port)
System is fully field upgradeable to product releases (FPGA images and Software)
Two real-time histograms per port. Each histogram can measure one of RX/TX packet length, IFG, jitter, or latency distribution for all traffic, a specific stream, or a filter
Enable/disable of optical laser or copper link
IGMPv2 continuous multicast join, with configurable repeat interval
• Initial Accuracy is 3 ppm
• Frequency drift over 1st year: +/- 3 ppm (over 15 years: +/- 15 ppm)
• Temperature Stability: +/- 20 ppm (Total Stability is +/- 35 ppm)
256 (wire-speed)
Each stream can generate millions of traffic flows through the use of field modifiers
Wire-speed packet generation with timestamps, sequence numbers, and data integrity signature optionally inserted into each packet.
TX Mbit/s, packets/s, packets, bytes, FCS error, Pause
Burst size and density can be specified. Uniform and bursty bandwidth profile streams can be interleaved
16-bit header field modifiers with inc, dec, or random mode. Each modifier has configurable bit-mask, repetition, min, max, and step parameters. 2 modifiers per stream for 1G ports and 5 modifiers per stream for 10G ports.
Fixed, random, butterfly, and incrementing packet length distributions. Packet length from 56 to 16384 bytes
Repeated user specified 1 to 18B pattern, a 8-bit incrementing pattern
Undersize length (56B min) and oversize length (16384 max.) packet lengths, injection of sequence, misorder, payload integrity, and FCS errors
Ethernet, Ethernet II, VLAN, ARP, IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, LLC, SNAP, GTP, ICMP, RTP, RTCP, STP, MPLS, PBB, or fully specified by user
648 (wire-speed) for 1G ports
2016 (wire-speed) for 10G ports
Real-time reporting of statistics and latency, loss, payload integrity, sequence error, and misorder error checking
Jitter (Packet Delay Variation) measurements compliant to MEF10 standard with 8 ns accuracy. Jitter can be measured on up to 32 streams.
±16/32 ns (opto/elec) for 1G ports and
±8 ns for 10G ports
8 ns (Latency measurements can calibrate and remove latency from transceiver modules)
Per filter: RX Mbit/s, packets/s, packets, bytes.
All traffic, stream, FCS errors, filter match, or traffic without test payloads
Capture start and stop trigger: none, FCS error, filter match, payload error
16 – 16384 bytes
16 kB for 1G ports and
64 kB for 10G ports
4096 packets (any size)